South West Rocks Public School

Academic excellence in a caring, co-operative and courteous environment

Telephone02 6566 6208

Kindergarten next year


Kindergarten 2025

Enrol now for Kindergarten

Enrolment steps for Kindergarten in 2025:

  • Please complete an online enrolment
  • Parent orientation sessions are to be advised.
  • Orientation dates:
    • Thursday 31st October 10:00 - 11:20 SPORTS SESSION
    • Friday 15th November 9:00 - 11:20 ORIENTATION
    • Friday 22nd November 9:00 - 11:20 ORIENTATION
    • Preschool students have additional visits
Students can be dropped off for orientation at the school hall from 8:50am and picked up at 11:20am after recess.  Students are required to bring their hat, fruit break, and morning tea for these sessions.
  • Buy uniform - see the What we offer page for information about uniforms.
  • Towards the end of the year, contact the school to book your "Best Start" interview in 2025 - phone 6566-6208 or visit the office.  For more information about Best Start, see this fact sheet

First day of school for Kindergarten 2025 - to be advised
Teachers & admin start Friday 31st January 2025
Students in years 1-6 start Monday 3rd February 2024

Important resources:

  • Kindergarten 2024 - Equipment List & Kinder Pack
  • School Calendar - bookmark this page!
  • General School Information Book with information about teaching staff, bell times, uniforms, canteen, P&C, communication, etc.
  • Check the "Make a Payment" tab on the SWRPS website for information about the School Bytes, as School Bytes will be used for all payments and excursion permissions.  School Bytes can be used with the app or via the website.  Contact school if you need help with setup.  Online payment is always preferred, but you can also pay by cash or EFTPOS at the office.  
  • See the For parents page for links and other general school information

Kindergarten Story Book

Kindergarten Story Book

We have written a story book!  Be sure to read the "My New School" social story for children starting Kindergarten next year.  It is a great story to read with your children over and over before they start school.